Geo Field Work (Cape Enrage 2012) - Part 2

Continued from Part 1

May 5th, 2012

On this second field trip, we got down to the nitty gritty. We had set a target distance to measure that day. But that wouldn't be the case, as we'd meet delay after delay that would eventually eat away at our schedule. BUT that was quite alright, as you'll soon find out.

Alternating layers (strata) of sandstone, mudstone, silt

The area that we'd come to measure that day had more water channels and alternating strata than the previous section we had already worked on. The evidence of a more active paleoenvironment is present in this section.

The faults found in the topography of the area is more numerous that the official maps led to believe. We were able to tally and identify some features to be faults, and others still to be studied and verified.

Sediment deformation

The above pic shows layers of mudstone with sandstone nodules/concretions layered within the thicker mudstone strata. I've seen beading before in sandstone being deformed, so I'm not sure if this is beading or soft sediment deformation on some level.

How thick are these layers?

Here's great ol' me for perspective


We had made very good progress in our stratigraphy work but things started slowing down when we started dropping on trackways. We knew that we still had a long stretch of beach to work, yet this temporary respite was pretty much welcomed (from my part anyways).

Tetrapod tracks (in situ)

First block extracted that day

Second block (American quarter for comparison)


Third block

Fourth block

We wrapped up by hauling down the blocks of trackways and noting the last measuring point. We wished that we had done more of that stratigraphy work, but finding those trackways made up for that. As it has become a custom with each visit in the area, we showed our finds to the locals and gave them some information on the work we had done that day, and they days ahead.

At this point in the end of the second field trip, we were about halfway of being done. There was still a whole lot of work to be done.

Continued in Part 3

Disclaimer: In New Brunswick under the 'Heritage Conservation Act', fossils discovered must not be destroyed or removed from sites where they are found without a permit. It is every one's civic duty to report any finds to the New Brunswick Museum ( This encourages the contribution these finds could make to science not just in the province, but on the global stage. You must also seek permission if you are to enter private land.


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