"Giant Fossil Scale Tree"
Originally post - Smithsonian NMNH Reposting from a link that Matt had brought up in Facebook. Freakin' awesome if you tell me. =P Natural History Highlight Giant Fossil Scale Tree In June, 2005, the National Museum of Natural History received one of the largest plant fossils ever collected - 3.9 m (13 ft) long and 3.7 m (12 ft) high, and weighing more than 16 tons. Fossil preparators are now working in our Mall-side parking lot to reduce the size of the block. You can see them from the Mall steps, if you look down into the parking lot on the side towards the Washington Monument. Once the specimen is light enough that the Museum's floors can safely support it, the fossil will be brought inside for additional preparation and display. Dr. Schabilion admiring the fossil tree before it is shipped to the National Museum of Natural History. The fossil comes from a coal mine on the Rus family farm located near Pella, Iowa. The Rus family donated the fossil to the Univers...