2012 Atlantic Geoscience Society Colloquium (Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada)

The Atlantic Geoscience Society (AGS) held their 38th annual Colloquium in Moncton this past weekend (February 3 and 4th, 2012). I was really happy to be able to free up some time and attend the numerous talks given by professionals and educators, which some I had befriended.

Lynn, Melissa, and Matt

I wanted to take the time to express my gratitude to the organization to have held this event in Moncton this year, and to make this a memorable experience. Can't get the chance to nerd out geo-style like this, right?

One of many posters on display

Bloody Creek 'Crater', Nova Scotia, Canada

It was nice to see familiar faces and meet new ones. This year was also the first time that the AGS had introduced sessions dedicated to Paleontology. I hope they keep it in their future format.

Hope to be able to attend next year, wherever that might be. Till then, cheers!

- Keenan


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